SoapBox Science Lisbon 2022 – Article by Malgorzata Zakrzewska
Article by Malgorzata Zakrzewska
Versão portuguesa disponível aqui You Got this! If there is one thing I’ve learned is all the management skills that we boost during the maternity leave, such as multitasking, scheduling, risk assessment, negotiating, problem(drama)-solving, stress/crisis control, communication (including non-verbal), or innovative thinking, and…
SoapBox Science Lisbon 2022 – Article by Inês Navalhas
Article by Inês Navalhas
Versão portuguesa disponível aqui Science communication: a bridge between the past and the future of science What role can science communication play in peoples’ lives? Image: Tom Dunne, American Scientist 2015. In history, there are several examples of the use and importance of science…
SoapBox Science Lisbon 2022 – Article by Diana Marques
Article by Diana Marques
Versão portuguesa disponível aqui The key ingredient of a recipe I was raised in a big family. I have four brothers, and eating together has always been a time for bonding. We ate, enjoyed ourselves, and got caught up in conversations during that time. Interestingly,…
SoapBox Science Lisbon 2022 – Article by Andreia Pinto
Article by Andreia Pinto
Versão portuguesa disponível aqui It is not the strongest of the species that survives, but the one that is most adaptable to change. Charles Darwin There is no recipe for life. No perfect timing. Life just happens. And the more we move the more…