
Wide View of Early Universe Hints at Galaxy Among the Earliest Ever Detected

Versão portuguesa disponível aqui Two new images from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope show what may be among the earliest galaxies ever observed. Both images include objects from more than 13 billion years ago, and one offers a much wider field of view than Webb’s First Deep Field image, which…
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A Comet Breaking-Up

For the first time, astronomers captured images of a strange rocky comet, breaking apart as it went closer to the Sun. Meet 323P/SOHO – a comet that orbits the Sun nearly every years, just like the Earth goes around the Sun every year. Astronomers have discovered just a few like…
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Citizen scientist makes an ultra-cool discovery

Using data from the NOIRLab's Community Science and Data Center, ace citizen scientist Frank Kiwy discovered 34 ultracool dwarf binary systems in the Sun’s neighbourhood. This means that we now know twice as many of these systems than before! Illustration of an ultracool dwarf with a companion white dwarf. Credits:…
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How the James Webb Space Telescope lets us see the first galaxies in the universe

Versão portuguesa disponível aqui It has been an exciting week with the release of breathtaking photos of our universe by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Images such as the one below give us a chance to see faint distant galaxies as they were more than 13 billion years ago.…
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Scientists discover how first quasars in universe formed

Versão portuguesa disponível aqui The mystery of how the first quasars in the universe formed - something that has baffled scientists for nearly 20 years - has now been solved by a team of astrophysicists whose findings are published in Nature. The existence of over 200 quasars powered by supermassive…
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